Thursday, March 6, 2014

Don't Forget to Change Your Clocks AND Your Wiper Blades!

Sunday, March 9th is Daylight Savings time – the time of the year where we all joyously spring ahead or, in my case, the time of year when you forget to set your clock ahead, wake up frantically Monday morning, and show up to work 30 minutes late looking like you were mugged by a band of thieves along the way.

If that’s something that you can relate to, then you, like me, probably have a tendency to procrastinate when it comes to changing your wiper blades. You might wait until inspection time or until you’re driving down the highway during a blizzard and realize you haven’t been able to see out of your windshield for the past hour.

Take it from me, don’t wait until your blades look like the dog’s chew toy. And take it from the American Optometric Association, who reports that 90 percent of driving decisions are based on visibility. 90 PERCENT! Second only to brakes, that makes your windshield wiper blades one of the most important safety features on your car. And we recommend that you change them every six months to maintain maximum driving safety.

So here’s a great way to remember to change your blades: change your blades when you change your clocks at the beginning and end of daylight savings time. So go the extra mile, change your blades, and change the clock on your car’s radio while you’re at it. It’s easier than you think!

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